We are all aware that we have a subconscious mind. Many of us will even place the blame of our activities on the subconscious. How many of us though realize the power of the subconscious mind? It is one of our most powerful tools, and it can either be our best friend or our worse enemy. The subconscious mind ultimately controls the life you live. What exactly is the subconscious mind and why should we pay attention to what it is thinking?
Despite the best efforts of some professionals, we all acknowledge the subconscious mind. It is the mind within the mind. It is the control board that directs our actions and our thoughts. It is the voice in your head that you hear when you are faced with a difficult or challenging situation. The script that our subconscious speaks to us is as unique as each individual in the world. Your subconscious mind is not the same as mine. Even if we were raised in the same house, under the same circumstances with the same parents. Your inner voice is just that, it is yours.
You have heard your inner mind. When you were standing there getting ready to make a life altering decision and it talked you out of it. I would like to think that it talked you out of something that was harmful, often though that inner voice is telling a person that they can't do something. That they won't be able to accomplish what it is they want. They aren't good enough, pretty enough, thin enough. The subconscious is what you think of yourself deep, deep down inside.
The kind of life you are leading is a direct result of your subconscious feelings and attitude. This means that you can actually make your life beautiful by reprogramming your subconscious mind. When you reprogram your inner most feelings you actually start attracting the life you want. So the best part about this process is that the power to change your subconscious thoughts and attitude and eventually your life is completely in your hands.
You can change your deepest thoughts by affirmations. These are nothing but positive beliefs that are constantly repeated by you through out the day. These are better than the more expensive sublimal messaging scripts. All you need is to know is the thing you want to change about yourself, choose the appropriate affirmations and repeat them till they become a reality.
Lets assume that its weight loss that you are looking for. So, you need to repeat the affirmation that you are your ideal weight instead of thinking about how fat or ugly you are. Write it down, record it, play this affirmation till it becomes ingrained in your psyche and subconscious. Many people even use their affirmations as screen savers and tape it to their mirror. Here you need to repeat it so many times that your subconscious mind accepts it as the truth and starts working accordingly.
You will soon become your ideal weight as your belief becomes stronger. If you want more money just try affirmations and see money flowing into your life. This method can be used to achieve anything in your life. Maybe you are still skeptical about this.
To demonstrate how your subconscious mind controls your life, here is an example which all of us have experienced in some point in our lives. Most of the times if we happen to wake up late due to a malfunctioning alarm or some other reason, we often wake up in a bad mood. On waking up our thought is 'Oh, no, this day is going to be difficult!' As a result, you spill your coffee, burn your dress and may be even have a flat tire on your way to the office. This makes your think again and you say 'it's certainly one of those difficult days'. Your day becomes even more difficult with numerous impediments and there may even be a point in a day when you think 'how worse can it get' and then you realize loads!
While the average person is going to shrug this off and say it was coincidence that all of those things happened. There are not such things as coincidences, everything happens for a reason and that reason is usually your subconscious mind delivering to you the things you think about.
In recent years films and books like 'The Secret' have explained this phenomenon in more scientific terms. This has become known as the 'Law of Attraction'. This says that our subconscious mind not only reacts with and responds to the reality we are experiencing it is actually creating it!
This has also been confirmed by quantum physics and experiments have proved that even the subatomic particles vibration is connected with the mind set of the observer. Ancient religions have been talking about this for centuries.
Hence if our subconscious mind creates our reality then we can change this reality with practice. People who have manifested their dreams of wealth through history have only been able to achieve it through a rock solid belief and positive visualization.
Despite the best efforts of some professionals, we all acknowledge the subconscious mind. It is the mind within the mind. It is the control board that directs our actions and our thoughts. It is the voice in your head that you hear when you are faced with a difficult or challenging situation. The script that our subconscious speaks to us is as unique as each individual in the world. Your subconscious mind is not the same as mine. Even if we were raised in the same house, under the same circumstances with the same parents. Your inner voice is just that, it is yours.
You have heard your inner mind. When you were standing there getting ready to make a life altering decision and it talked you out of it. I would like to think that it talked you out of something that was harmful, often though that inner voice is telling a person that they can't do something. That they won't be able to accomplish what it is they want. They aren't good enough, pretty enough, thin enough. The subconscious is what you think of yourself deep, deep down inside.
The kind of life you are leading is a direct result of your subconscious feelings and attitude. This means that you can actually make your life beautiful by reprogramming your subconscious mind. When you reprogram your inner most feelings you actually start attracting the life you want. So the best part about this process is that the power to change your subconscious thoughts and attitude and eventually your life is completely in your hands.
You can change your deepest thoughts by affirmations. These are nothing but positive beliefs that are constantly repeated by you through out the day. These are better than the more expensive sublimal messaging scripts. All you need is to know is the thing you want to change about yourself, choose the appropriate affirmations and repeat them till they become a reality.
Lets assume that its weight loss that you are looking for. So, you need to repeat the affirmation that you are your ideal weight instead of thinking about how fat or ugly you are. Write it down, record it, play this affirmation till it becomes ingrained in your psyche and subconscious. Many people even use their affirmations as screen savers and tape it to their mirror. Here you need to repeat it so many times that your subconscious mind accepts it as the truth and starts working accordingly.
You will soon become your ideal weight as your belief becomes stronger. If you want more money just try affirmations and see money flowing into your life. This method can be used to achieve anything in your life. Maybe you are still skeptical about this.
To demonstrate how your subconscious mind controls your life, here is an example which all of us have experienced in some point in our lives. Most of the times if we happen to wake up late due to a malfunctioning alarm or some other reason, we often wake up in a bad mood. On waking up our thought is 'Oh, no, this day is going to be difficult!' As a result, you spill your coffee, burn your dress and may be even have a flat tire on your way to the office. This makes your think again and you say 'it's certainly one of those difficult days'. Your day becomes even more difficult with numerous impediments and there may even be a point in a day when you think 'how worse can it get' and then you realize loads!
While the average person is going to shrug this off and say it was coincidence that all of those things happened. There are not such things as coincidences, everything happens for a reason and that reason is usually your subconscious mind delivering to you the things you think about.
In recent years films and books like 'The Secret' have explained this phenomenon in more scientific terms. This has become known as the 'Law of Attraction'. This says that our subconscious mind not only reacts with and responds to the reality we are experiencing it is actually creating it!
This has also been confirmed by quantum physics and experiments have proved that even the subatomic particles vibration is connected with the mind set of the observer. Ancient religions have been talking about this for centuries.
Hence if our subconscious mind creates our reality then we can change this reality with practice. People who have manifested their dreams of wealth through history have only been able to achieve it through a rock solid belief and positive visualization.
About the Author:
Elliot Cox is a writer for the popular http://www.mindpower-info.com site. Discover the amazing experience of subconscious mind for yourself and find out the real undisclosed secrets of subconscious mind when you visit here and get 29 Free mp3 audio recordings.
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