August 11, 2009

Identifying Counterfeit Ladies Handbags

By Ashlynn Mario

Many people are interested in buying the latest in designer handbags, but it's important to be careful about it, to keep yourself from being taken in by fakes. There are a lot of designer lookalikes on the market, from fakes claiming to be the real thing to handbags made with a designer look but no designer label. Imitation designer handbags tend to be lower in quality, especially if they're claiming to be actual designer pieces. Lookalikes that don?t claim to be the real thing may be worthwhile for those who just want the look but not the name. However, you should still shop with care.

You'll find these handbags in traditional stores, and low quality counterfeit handbags in other venues, such as online auction sites, flea markets and road side markets. People selling these low quality fakes are hoping that the low price will convince you not to be too suspicious of their products.

Buying online can be particularly difficult, unless you?re sure that you?re buying from someone you can trust. If you really want a designer bag from an online auction site, be sure to go over the seller's feedback with care.

Check the photographs of the bag you're thinking about buying, too. Is the bag carefully photographed to show you all the details and the quality of its construction, or has it been photographed in a group of other bags. The quality of the images can tell you whether or not you're buying the real thing, or a fake that'll fall apart in only a few months.

Designer bags use good materials, not inexpensive vinyl, and good construction. If you see low quality stitching or other telltale details, you may be looking at a fake. Make sure the seller is using a picture that represents the kind of bag you want to own.

You should always pay for a designer bag via credit card. This keeps you from being unable to do anything if you're ripped off. A chargeback can be done if the bag turns out not to be the real thing. Just remember that it's harder to do this if the seller is outside the United States. Likewise, long shipping charges from foreign sellers can keep you from being able to act within the appropriate window for a complaint or refund.

If you prefer a designer inspired bag, rather than trying for the real thing, you may want to look up designer replica handbags. They're often made after the most popular designs, but they're a lot less expensive. You can find them from discount retailers and online stores Just make sure you know what you're buying and what kind of quality you are going to get.

Paying for real designer quality is worth it for many of us when we go to buy a handbag. Don't let yourself fall prey to imitations if you're in the market for a designer handbag. Save up and go with the real thing - you'll be able to enjoy it for a long time to come.

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